Builder – Chris Arnold
Inducted 2021

It gives me great honour to present the Saskatchewan Powerlifting Association’s Hall of Fame Inductee in the Builder Category for 2021. The recipient is a long-time and well-respected member of the Saskatchewan Powerlifting Association, who has been fundamental in its evolution over the years. He resides in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and is the founder and sole principal member of Saskatoon Barbell.
Chris began competing with the SPA in 2007, back when lifting was only equipped. He was one of a very small handful of lifters competing out of Saskatoon and quickly became a staple at all SPA competitions around the province. Chris has competed at all levels of competition – locally and then representing Saskatchewan at numerous National Championships. He holds multiple provincial and national records, is a national champion and has also served as the Head Coach of Team Canada for the 2012 Classic Cup, which was the IPF’s inaugural Classic Championship.
Chris became the Vice-President of the SPA in 2012, serving the province in that capacity until 2020. Chris was a valued member of the SPA executive, spearheading numerous policy changes, negotiating the agreement with Special Olympics Saskatchewan and overseeing the development of the sport in Saskatoon and around the province. Chris’ leadership and guidance on the executive was invaluable, providing a voice of reason and sound thinking along the way. Chris not only led at the provincial level, but was also instrumental in policy development at the national level, leading the development of National Policies helping the CPU continue to grow and advance as a National organization. Chris was also a tireless advocate for both equipped and classic powerlifting, competing and coaching in both disciplines and advocating for both.
Chris has given back to the sport time and time again. His passion for the sport has been unwavering in and out of competition settings. In addition to the role of Vice-President of the SPA, he consistently and selflessly has volunteered beyond this role, spending numerous hours refereeing, spotting and loading. There are countless powerlifters in the province – novice to seasoned – who are grateful for his wisdom,
knowledge of lifting and the other limitless ways he offers support. If you have had the privilege of lifting beside Chris, you do not forget the presence and power he brings to the room. Most of all, you walk away a better powerlifter because of him.
For these reasons and with the utmost respect, it is my honour and pleasure to announce Chris Arnold as our 2021 Builder of the Year.